Support Staff
Mrs. Escobar
My name is Nidia Escobar, and I have been an educator for over 20 years! I moved to Fort Worth from Mexico when I was 12 years old, and I am a proud alumna of FWISD's bilingual education program. I received a bachelor of arts in psychology from UT Arlington and an M.Ed. in educational psychology from Texas A&M University. I am married and have two sons and one daughter. In my free time, I enjoy running, but more than running, I love cool weather, coffee, and a good book.
¡Mi nombre es Nidia Escobar y soy educadora desde hace más de 20 años! Me mudé a Fort Worth desde México cuando tenía 12 años y soy una alumna orgullosa del programa de educación bilingüe de FWISD. Recibí una licenciatura en psicología de UT Arlington y un M.Ed. en psicología educativa de Texas A&M University. Estoy casado y tengo dos hijos y una hija. En mi tiempo libre, disfruto correr, pero más que eso, me encanta el clima fresco, el café y un buen libro.
Mrs. Hernandez
Computer Lab Teaching Assistant
My name is Belinda Hernandez, I am from Fort Worth—born and raised—and this is my first year as the computer lab technician here at DHE. Previously I served DHE as a special education inclusion assistant and parent liaison.
I really enjoy working with students and helping them achieve their goals, and I am fortunate to be able to work with and serve the wonderful people of MY community!
Ms. Herrera
Diamond Hill Pyramid Restorative Practices Specialist
Ms. Herrera is awesome and her bio is coming soon!
Mrs. Hill
Instructional Coach
Mrs. Hill is awesome and her bio is coming soon!
Mrs. Morbach
Librarian and Technology Coordinator
Mrs. Morbach is amazing, and her bio is coming soon!