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Office Staff

Our Office Staff

Mrs. De la Rosa: Secretary


My name is Tamhara De la Rosa!  I was born in San Luis Potosί, Mexico, and I am a married mother of two wonderful boys. I have worked in education for over 10 years as a teaching assistant and family communications liaison. I have learned, from both sides, the importance of family and parent engagement, and I believe that parents who are committed to actively supporting their children help to create fewer behavioral problems with better academic performance, have students who are more likely to earn higher grades and test scores, and help strengthen the parent-student relationship.

Ms. Garcia: Nurse


I grew up in Fort Worth, Texas, graduated from TCU, and have been a school nurse since 2015.  In addition to keeping the Diamond Hill Elementary School community healthy, I also love spending time with my family and friends.

Ms. Villarreal: Data Clerk


Hello! I'm Anna, Diamond Hill Elementary's Data Clerk. I have been working for Fort Worth ISD since 2000, and at DHE since 2001. I grew up a couple of streets away, on Lulu, and attended Diamond Hill as a child. I have 4 wonderful children and 3 grandchildren, who have all attended our great school. It is extremely fulfilling for me to be able to work in the community that helped raise my family and me.