Miss Amon
I'm from Fort Worth, Texas, and I graduated from Tarleton State University in 2019. I enjoy baking, watching Netflix, and reading. My favorite author is Mo Willems.
Mrs. Earley
Mrs. Early is awesome, and her bio is coming soon!
Mrs. Sanchez
My name is Betzy Sanchez and I am very excited to be teaching Kindergarten this year! This is my fifth year teaching kindergarten and my ninth year overall. I was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. My family immigrated to the US when I was a baby. I am a product of the Fort Worth ISD, and a graduate of Southwest HS. I attended Texas A&M University, where I majored in Bilingual Education with a minor in Spanish. I have taught first grade, second grade, and more recently Kindergarten. Kindergarten is my favorite by far! In my free time, I enjoy following Aggie sports, reading and traveling. I view education as the way to become successful in life. Meaning, through education, you are given the opportunity to follow your passions in life and make our community a better place. I am looking forward to a great school year with my Kinder Eagles!
Mrs. Tracy
Welcome to the new school year! It's an honor to be your child's teacher this year. My name is Mrs. Tracy and I've been teaching Early Childhood for 19 years, 16 of them in Kindergarten and 3 in Pre-K. As you can see, teaching the little ones is my passion! I can assure you I'll do my very best so your child enjoys this school year and at the same time he/she will find challenging goals and high expectations.
¡Bienvenidos al curso escolar 2018-2019! Es un honor ser la maestra de su hijo/a este curso escolar. Mi nombre es Mrs. Tracy y llevo ensenando educacion infantil durante 19 anos, 16 de ellos en Kindergarten y 3 en Pre-K. Como pueden ver mi pasion es educar a los ninos pequenos! Les aseguro que haré lo mejor que pueda para que su hijo/a disfrute de este año escolar a la vez que se encontrara con metas educativas muy altas.