Diamond Hill Elementary School
First Grade
Email: maria.blatnicky@fwisd.org
Mrs. Blatnicky
My name is Maricarmen Blatnicky, and I grew up in Monterrey, Mexico. I received my degree from Centro de Estudios Superiores la Salle/(UANL) with a degree specialization from Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM). I have been teaching at Diamond Hill for 18 years. I enjoy traveling with my family and friends and agility competitions with my two pet miniature schnauzers.
Email: griselda.mendoza@fwisd.org
Mrs. Mendoza
Mrs. Mendoza is awesome, and her bio is coming soon!
Email: liana.wester@fwisd.org
Mrs. Wester
Mrs. Wester is awesome, and her bio is coming soon!